Wider inside margins with 147 copywork pages. Use liberally in your home, homeschool group or church settings. Pages may be copied in these settings but not to be sold. Quicksand font is easier for beginner printers. King James Version is used for its Canadian spelling. Each of the six chapters has a colouring page of an Ontario sight or landmark.
The consistent practice of copywork is a natural, gentle, and effective method of teaching penmanship, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary. However, it goes beyond the mechanics of writing and also develops many character traits such as diligence, attention, observation, and excellence. These good habits overflow into composition of writing and speaking. It also gleans the arts of reading and listening, which are vital to the English language, and introduces an appreciation for well-written literature. This sets a foundation for the future love of reading, culture, and all that the world of books offers.
Also offering a two-volume precursive copywork options for a slightly italic handwriting style.