About Jean Matthew Hall

Meet Jean the writer, teacher and Christian.

Our founder, Jean serves StarLight Magazine as the Chief Editor.

Among her many joys, she is a conference speaker, writing coach,Bible study leader and grandmother to eight.

Jean the Writer

As a pre-teen Jean dreamed of being an architect or an interior decorator. As a high school student she dreamed of being anything BUT a teacher. As a college student she dreamed of being a vocalist. As an “over-fifty” woman she dreamed of writing stories for children.

And so, her God-venture to be a writer began. Website, blogs, conferences, webinars, courses… hundreds of hours of studying, writing, learning. Dozens of manuscripts sent to dozens of publishers. Oodles of rejections.

All for the call to write and show children the love of Jesus, the beauty of God’s world, and the joy of loving relationships.

In 2016 Jean signed her first book contract with Little Lamb Books for the Bountiful Blessings series of four picture books about the seasons. The Blessings of Fall was released in September 2019. But, then, the publisher went out of business. Sometimes it seems like our dreams will never come true.

But, sometimes God makes our dreams come true in ways we couldn’t imagine. Jean’s have.

Listen to Jean on The Homeschool Advantage Podcast here!

Jean the Teacher

Jean spent twenty-six years teaching children and teens–and loving it! And twenty plus years teaching women’s Bible studies. Now she is a writing coach for teens. It is so much fun!

Jean has spent most of her adult life singing songs, reading books, playing games, cutting, coloring and gluing with children of every age. And she has loved it! Creating encouraging stories for kids is another of her ideas of fun, but her favorite times are those she spends with her own eight grandchildren–loving them, playing with them, helping them, and teaching them.

All of these things have been HUGE blessings!

Jean and Write2Ignite

Jean has been part of an organization called Write2Ignite since 2008. Our mission is to educate, encourage, and inspire Christians who write for children and young adults. If you write, please check us out HERE.

Jean the Christian

It is Jean’s daily prayer that The Christ within her shines through the cracks and broken places of her dreams, and that Christ shines through the things she writes to uplift and encourage others through:

  • Poems and devotionals for adults and children
  • Fiction and Nonfiction Picture books and board books
  • Stories and poems for children’s magazines
  • “Slice of life” essays for anthologies like Chicken Soup for the Soul
  • StarLight Magazine, her newest God-venture

Philippians 3:10 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (ABCE)

For my determined purpose is that I may know Him – that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly, and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection which it exerts over believers, and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed in spirit into His likeness even to His death, 

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