Before You Submit
Please ensure you’ve reviewed these Submission Guidelines to understand our themes, formatting requirements, and content expectations. This helps us streamline the review process and increases the likelihood of your work being accepted.
As a StarLight Contributor, you play a vital role in making this vision come to life! We’re looking for original content that brims with excitement, humor, and adventure. Your work should both intrigue young readers and reassure parents that the content is uplifting and faith-driven.
Traditional Christian
Ages 5–10 Years Old
Sunday School
We aim to inspire children ages 5 to 10 with engaging content that shines God’s truth through captivating stories and fun activities. Our goal is to spark delight through creative fiction, encourage curiosity with fascinating facts about God’s creation, and highlight the lives of influential Christians throughout history. Above all, we seek to welcome young hearts toward Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who lovingly guides, protects, and calls them by name.
Ready to share your creativity?
We can’t wait!
Stories for Ages 5-7
- Original stories 550 words or less
- Can feature animals as characters instead of children
- Should focus on daily life experiences and learning
- May include historical fiction (must provide a list of sources)
- May be futuristic or science fiction (no demons or sorcery; provide sources for science facts)
Stories for Ages 8-10
- Original stories 800-1100 words
- Should focus on daily life experiences and learning
- Must portray a variety of ethnicities, situations, and abilities
- May include historical fiction (must provide a list of sources)
- May be futuristic or science fiction (no demons or sorcery; provide sources for science facts)
What We Do Not Accept Non-Traditional Christian content such as:
🚫 Fairy tales or fantasy
🚫 Romance or crush-themes
🚫 Santa-themes
If you’d like to illustrate or contribute artwork for a particular theme or category, we’d be pleased to coordinate a project with you!
Connect with Jean at
Poems should be no longer than 16 lines. We accept a variety of topics, including both fun poems and spiritual poems. In poems use capitals as follows. The first word of the first line of each verse or stanza is capitalized. Succeeding lines of each verse are capitalized only if they begin new sentences.
What We Do Not Accept Non-traditional Christian content such as:
🚫 Fairy tales or fantasy
🚫 Romance or crush-themes
🚫 Santa-themes
This section should help children marvel at God’s creativity in the animal kingdom and develop a greater appreciation for His design in nature.
Write a 200-word informative piece about an unusual animal or surprising traits of a familiar animal.
Present information in a concise, engaging, and easy-to-read bullet-point format.
Write from a Creationist perspective, highlighting how God’s design is evident in the animal’s unique features.
Include fascinating details such as special adaptations, behaviors, or abilities.
Use scientific accuracy while maintaining a faith-centered viewpoint.
If using sources, provide a short reference list for verification.
This section should spark curiosity and awe for God’s creation while making complex topics accessible to young readers.
- Write a 200-word informative piece about a single heavenly body (a star, constellation, planet, black hole, galaxy, etc.).
Present information in a concise, engaging, and easy-to-read bullet-point format.
Focus on fascinating details about the chosen heavenly body.
Write from a Creationist perspective, highlighting how the heavens declare God’s glory (Psalm 19:1).
Include interesting facts such as size, distance, special features, or historical significance.
Use scientific accuracy while maintaining a faith-centered viewpoint.
If using sources, provide a short reference list for verification.
Style Guidelines that apply to all submissions:
All manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced (Do not hit hard returns at the end of each line.), 11 or 12-point type, New Times Roman or Arial font, black print. New paragraphs should be indented five spaces. Please upload your word processing document (.doc, .docx, etc.) on the “Submit Your Work” form. Please do not send PDFs of your manuscripts.
Author’s name, title of submission, and word count should appear at the top of every page.
All pages should be numbered.
Use the New Living Translation of Scripture. (NLT)
Reading levels: articles for older students should be on a 4th/5th grade reading level. Articles for younger students should be on a 1st grade level OR on a level that adults can read to younger children (much like a picture book.)
Capitalize all references to God, Christ, Holy Spirit including pronouns.
Poems: Capitalize as follows: The first word of the first line of each verse or stanza is capitalized. Succeeding lines of each verse are capitalized only if they begin new sentences.
The Fine Print:
- We require both electronic and print exclusive rights for 12 months after publication.
- At this time StarLight Magazine is a non-paying market.
- We reserve the right to edit all submissions.
StarLight Magazine produces digital magazines every other month with 2 special editions of Easter and Christmas. Every issue has a Companion printable PDF of coloring pages, activities, word puzzles, etc with themes and content based on that month’s magazine.
In the off months, we offer Stella’s Bonus, which is a printable PDF of coloring pages, activities, word puzzles, etc of seasonal or virtuous themed content.
To help with the creative juices and the systematizing of content, we hope you find this guide helpful! Main themes prioritize reading, books, kindness, and Christ’s love.
January – Stella’s Bonus
Snow, Winter fun and beauty, reading
February – Magazine Issue #10
Winter weather, winter fun, snow, new beginnings
March – Stella’s Bonus
Spring, flowers, baby animals, reading
April – Magazine Issue #11
Spring, flowers, baby animals, new life, salvation
Easter Edition – Magazine Issue #12
The First Easter, salvation, the cross, new birth
May – Stella’s Bonus
Outdoor activities, fun at the park, gardening, reading
June – Magazine Issue #13
School is out, summer fun, summer places to visit, birds, insects, family
July – Stella’s Bonus
Fun in the sun, ways to stay cool (including reading), cool treats to make, summer camp
August – Magazine Issue #14
Vacation places, vacation fun, summer weather, fun at home, preparing for school to begin
September – Stella’s Bonus
Back to school, new friends, new places, learning new things, reading new books, adding to your life
October – Magazine Issue #15
Fall, leaves, Reformation Day, changing seasons, growing and changing
November – Stella’s Bonus
Thanksgiving, showing gratitude, books, apples, pumpkins, ways to stay warm, reading
December – Magazine Issue #16
Winter weather, dressing for winter, snuggling, soft things like blankets, kittens, puppies, family activities preparing for Christmas (baking, shopping, making lists, sending cards/emails), The meaning of Advent
Christmas Edition – Magazine Issue #17
Why do we celebrate Christmas? Generosity, Altruism, traditions of Christmas, The first Christmas, Christmas around the world.
StarLight Magazine produces digital magazines every other month with 2 special editions of Easter and Christmas. Every issue has a Companion printable PDF of coloring pages, activities, word puzzles, etc with themes and content based on that month’s magazine.
In the off months, we offer Stella’s Bonus, which is a printable PDF of coloring pages, activities, word puzzles, etc of seasonal or virtuous themed content.
To help with the creative juices and the systematizing of content, we hope you find this guide helpful! Main themes prioritize reading, books, kindness, and Christ’s love.
January – Stella’s Bonus
Winter trees, rest, ways to keep warm, caring for pets, winter fun activities, reading
February – Magazine Issue #18
Winter fun, Rest, How do trees rest? Starting over, Expressing love, God’s love for us.
March – Stella’s Bonus
Baby farm animals, spring showers, rain, budding, blooming
April – Magazine Issue #19
Spring, planting gardens, nesting, animal families
Easter Edition – Magazine Issue #20
The First Easter, symbols associated with Easter (chicks, eggs, bunnies, flowers), repentance, forgiveness, forgiving others.
May – Stella’s Bonus
Flowers, last day of school, friends, reading
June – Magazine Issue #21
Growing older and growing up, What do you want to be when you grow up?, Careers that help and serve others, outdoor games to play.
July – Stella’s Bonus
Vacationing, the beach, traveling, modes of transportation, reading/books
August – Magazine Issue #22
Sports teams, Being part of a team, Teamwork, cool summer treats to make, Staying cool, Keeping your cool, Making new friends
September – Stella’s Bonus
Back to school, being the new kid at school, learning new things, learning hard things, making new friends, homework, reading
October – Magazine Issue #23
Seasonal cycle of trees, keeping warm, autumn clothes, Apple and pumpkin picking, Apple and pumpkin treats, Animal activities in the fall.
November – Stella’s Bonus
What the Bible says about gratitude, Why give thanks? Martin Luther, What are you grateful for? Family traditions, Why read or study history?
December – Magazine Issue #24
Advent activities, Advent books, Snowball fights, Winter sports, Making your Christmas list of the people to whom you want to give gifts, Gifts to make yourself for others.
Christmas Edition – Magazine Issue #25
Why do we celebrate Christmas? Generosity, Altruism, traditions of Christmas, The first Christmas, Christmas around the world.

StarLight Magazine
704 W. Madison Street
LaGrange, KY 40031 USA
Jean Matthew Hall
Creative Director
Helen Jimmie Weigt
Shining God’s Truth through Children’s Literature